Get Started With Your "Pretrition" and prepare
your microbiome for
your customized Ütrition®.
The Gut Health Triad
Prep your body for better nutrient absorption by helping your gut microbiome do it's job.

For over 100 years, medical professionals have discussed the importance of a healthy gut. Among other things, a healthy gut supports absorption of nutrients, both from the food we eat, and the supplements we take.
The importance of a healthy gut, among other things, is absorption of nutrients, both from the food we eat, and the supplements we take.
We have created a program to help the potential for maximum absorption of your Ütrition®, by preparing your body with our Pretrition, The Gut Health Triad.
Your path to a better Healthspan
Step 1
Order your Gut Health Triad Pretrition

Choose one of the 3 flavors options of the Gut Health Triad to begin your new customized nutrition health journey.
Step 2
Choose the DNA Test Kit with your initial order

Check the box to add your DNA test kit to arrive with your Gut Health Triad so you can take your DNA test when your Pretrition is delivered.
Step 3
Send your swab test to the lab and register your DNA kit
Once your Gut Health Triad Pretrition is delivered, immediately open the DNA Test Kit box, follow the instructions for your swab test.
Very important:
Make sure you visit to register and pay for your test results and to receive the 4 reports we will send to you once your DNA results have been completed.

Step 4
Upgrade to The Gut Health Triad Plus*, with Ütrition®!

In 3 to 4 weeks, you will receive your 4 DNA reports:
• Healthy Aging Report
• Weight Management Report
• Skincare Report
• Sports & Fitness Report
(Digital PDFs via email)
Once you receive your reports, you will then be able to upgrade your Gut Health Triad to include your new Customized Ütrition®!